Mindful Mothers
Wir helfen Frauen mit Kinderwunsch, Ihren Weg in’s Mamasein mit Vertrauen und Leichtigkeit zu gehen, indem wir auf mentaler und körperlicher Ebene arbeiten, ohne den bislang erlebten Schmerz immer wieder hochzuholen.
"Just relax..."
... I'm sure you've heard this sentence many times. Even the advice of doctors, professionals or good friends can be difficult to follow when it comes to having children. Because once the issue becomes a problem, your world and your partner's world usually revolves around it. No matter where you are on the journey of wanting to have children, you may have had several miscarriages, never got pregnant or tried artificial insemination, or even given up hope because you don't have the energy and the pain is too much to go on. We are here to take a fresh look at this topic with you.
You may be asking yourself: "can this even work for me? Why exactly should your approach make a difference when everything else has failed?"
Wir können Dir natürlich kein Erfolgsversprechen geben. Jedoch können wir Dir erzählen, wie sich das Leben unser Kundinnen mit Kinderwunsch verändert hat. Viele von ihnen waren zu Beginn unserer Zusammenarbeit fix und fertig mit den Nerven. Der Stress stand ihnen ins Gesicht geschrieben, die Antriebskraft war auf dem Tiefstand und Selbstzweifel haben ihren Alltag dominiert.
Genau hier setzen wir an, durchbrechen diese Negativspirale, damit unser Kundinnen wieder in ihre ureigene Kraft finden, das Vertrauen in ihren eigenen Körper zurückgewinnen und ihre Leichtigkeit wiedererhalten.

Do you want to turn your dream of having a child into a dream child?
You want to, but you don't see a solution to your problem? Because you have repeatedly experienced the disappointing result of an unsuccessful pregnancy or one that does not come about.
You may be asking yourself questions like - how:
- You have to deal with all the stress and negative feelings and insecurities inside you.
- You can stay relaxed even though the situation is freaking you out.
- You can still go on at all when it everything looks pretty hopeless
- Can you get rid of your mental and emotional load
- You and your partner should get through all this
Wir kennen und verstehen diese Thematik und das Gefühl gefangen zu sein in einem Hamsterrad, welches Zyklus gesteuert ist. Wir kennen aber auch die andere Seite dieser Medaille und haben deshalb eine individuelle Methode erarbeitet, um auf mentaler und körperlicher Ebene das Thema Kinderwunsch anzugehen. Unser Ansatz erfordert ein gewisses Engagement von Deiner Seite und integriert im Idealfall auch Deinen Partner.

How we can help you with our
With our personal online coaching programme, we accompany you and tailor our experience to you individually, so that you can achieve the fastest and greatest possible success.

In the Mindset Module everything revolves around you and your mindset. We work together on a 1-2-1 basis, let go of old and blocking things and create space for an optimal and positive mindset so that you can find your way. Your subconscious will support you.
As the name of the module suggests, we will look at this topic with your partner and see how you can reach your goal together. This is about you working together and being able to support each other.
In diesem Modul stellen wir Dir wissenschaftlich belegte und fundierte Techniken wie Hypnose, Achtsamkeit, Meditation, Atemtechniken vor.
Du lernst die Wirkungsweise der unterschiedlichen Techniken kennen und lernst mit ihnen zu arbeite.
Together we plan your next steps and how we can accompany you on your way. The focus is entirely on you and your ideas. We give you exercises and strategies so that you can implement them for yourself and your future.
It is very important that you find a way to be in balance. Life often throws a lot of things at you and here you will learn to stay in balance or to find your way back to it again and again. Because the programme is meant to be lasting.
In diesem Modul sind viele Extras für Dich enthalten, welche Dich auf Deinem Weg unterstützen sollen und begleiten dürfen. Inklusive Übungen für Dich. Die Extras sind ebenfalls individuelle auf Dich abgestimmt und werden jeweils für Dich personalisiert.
What mums say about our online coaching...
Many thanks for your feedback!
We have enjoyed working with each and every one of you. It is always an emotional journey for us to accompany you through such a wonderful phase of life. We wish you and your families all the very best.

When we started IVF, I didn't want to leave any stone unturned and opted for the individual coaching with Sina & Hanna. I partly felt like a new person after the hypnoses and grew closer with my partner. Thank you very much for all your great work.

I had actually already given up on the topic of wanting children when Mindful Mothers was recommended to me. I saw it as my last chance and am so grateful for their great support. The sessions were so valuable for me each time and I always felt much better afterwards. A true life changer!!!

Dear Hanna und Sina
A big thank you for all you have done!
It's just amazing what you two have done for me and the changes you can bring about with your hypnosis and exercises.
Unsere Methode
Unsere wissenschaftlich fundierte Methode arbeitet überwiegend mit Hypnose und somit mit Deinem Unterbewusstsein. Du bekommst somit Zugang zu anderen Bereichen wie beispielweise mentale Blockaden oder Glaubenssätzen, kannst Ängste losen oder ein Trauma bewältigen. Du kannst zusätzlich aber auch auf körperlicher Ebene arbeiten, da Du Zugang zu deinem Nervensystem, Hormonhaushalt oder beispielweise körperliche Funktionen wie Deinen Plus beeinflussen kannst. Klingt zu gut um Wahr zu sein? Oder Du möchtest eine kleine Kostprobe?

Next steps
If you are interested in our programme, please contact us!
In a free introductory meeting, we take a closer look at your needs, what is important to you and whether we can help you. You will learn more about our methodology and gain clarity about a possible cooperation.
We look forward to hearing from you and will give you our full attention.